
Michael Eyal Sharon, the proprietor of überthings, is a product thinker, writer, programmer, musician, designer (isn’t everybody these days?) and occasional media artist.

I was born in Kfar Saba, Israel, raised mostly in Johannesburg, South Africa, did a stint in New York City and am currently based in San Francisco.

Mini-colophon: This site used to run on Movable Type, but I got sick of rebuilding every five seconds. WordPress came to my rescue soon afterwards and we’ve been living in sin ever since.

Here’s a semi-official (and outdated) bio:

Michael is a media artist, writer and programmer whose work runs the gamut from mobile social software to gestural music interfaces to big games and everything in between. He is the co-founder and CTO of Socialight, a New York-based company developing social media tools for mobile devices. He is an Adjunct Assistant Professor at Columbia University’s GSAPP co-teaching a class in Big Urban Games. He is an Adjunct Professor at New York University’s Interactive Telecommunications Program, teaching a class called Mobile Application Design. His work has been featured in a number of outlets including The Discovery Channel, The New York Times, Wired, The Guardian, The London Times, Business 2.0, Time Out NY, Smart Mobs, and Engadget, among others. His writing has appeared in The Feature, Brainstorm, ITWeb, SL Magazine, and African Expressions. His quarterly column on technology and culture appears in African Communications magazine.

Unofficially when I’m not waxing eloquent about myself in the third person, I’m a fairly chilled out vegetarian who works most of the time, enjoys live indie and electronic music and has sadly owned absolutely no pets for the last few years.

I’ve been building mobile and local products at Facebook for the last couple of years. Before that I was making mischief at Socialight and NYU’s ITP program.

In previous lives, I have been an artist, writer, waiter, photographer, designer, musician, web monkey, librarian, factory worker, sound engineer, strategist, consultant and a whole host of other terribly normal sounding jobs. I’m just waiting for the day when I can add Chief Imagineerist to the list (somebody, hear my plea).

If that’s not enough information for you, feel free to reach out on any one of the services listed here. It will probably satisfy you in more ways than you can imagine.