May 29, 2004

Japan Tour 2004

I'm going to be in Japan from 1 - 15 of June 2004. I'll be presenting my Pierrophone and Stranglophone musical interfaces at the New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) conference in Hamamatsu.

Here's my dates:
2-5 - NIME Conference Hamamatsu
6 - Anti-Gravity performance in Roppongi
9 - Lecture at Tokyo National Art University in Geidai

Posted by michael at May 29, 2004 11:14 AM

hey dude. thx for the call. i didn't get your e-mail yet. or maybe becoz my isp is farked for now... using my neighbours office today.

my home address is
47 Mackey St
Surry Hills 2010

enjoy Japan. Find out if the jap girls really do scream the loudest when you shag them for me!

in bewteen check out the design scene for me.


Posted by: micky at June 1, 2004 03:04 AM