This is the weirdest thing I've ever seen - Veg Fairy Roasted Eel, made by Vege One company from China. Their serving instructions deserve their own special place on the web, so here they are:
Cold Food:
After it is defrosted, and cut it into cube piece. Then, mating with favored sauces or mustard paste to get a special taste.
Hot Food:
After it is defrosted, and cut it into cube piece before oil frying. The eel piece will be shortened to be shortened to be available for the all ages.
Grilled Food:
After it is defrosted, and cut it into cube piece being grilled with oven or charcoal. It is most suitable for picnic.
Wish me luck... I'm about to cut it into cube piece and mate it with a favored sauce.
Currently bobbing my head to: Le Desir from Welcome Tourist by B. Fleischmann
UPDATE: Now I know why the Veg Fairy hasn't busted out into the picnic big league yet - eugh! Actually it was alright until I ate the entire packet. Now I feel sick.
Posted by michael at August 29, 2004 08:21 PM | TrackBackoy...i wouldn't have eaten that if you paid me.
Posted by: tallulah at August 30, 2004 01:56 AM