Category: Life

  • Secret Colour Printer Dot Matrix

    color printer machine id codes Originally uploaded by michaelsharon. It’s completely unrelated to dot-matrix printing.. or is it? When I visited the EFF a few weeks ago, they blew our minds by showing us a pattern of coded dots which identify the printer make, model, date and a number of other things. The dots are…

  • 112243106380536242

    Gawd! Has it been that long. Anyway – if you’re looking for slightly fresher postings from moi – check out uberthings, inc.

  • To Moz and back…

    A short (ahem) recap of my trip to Mozambique – pictures might have to wait until I return to the land of broadband. UPDATE: Pictures are on Flickr – The Drive We (Yuval, Shannon, Alba and myself) started off innocently enough driving to Maputo on good South African roads (i.e. tar road with signs,…

  • Summer Music Schedule

    Alright, since it’s nearly halfway through summer, I’ve barely seen any bands (unless you count Psychic TV) and things need to change. Here’s a personal reminder of shows I need to catch: Franz Ferdinand – 09-09 – Roseland Ballroom Casiotone for the Painfully Alone – 08-03 @ The Big A Little A House or 08-04…

  • introduction to ITP

    right. its er.. week 5 or six I think. I’m starting to lose track. NYC sucks you into its great gleaming skyscraper-edged maw and leaves you wondering what, how and most importantly why… ah yes, why… well, I started figuring out the why about two weeks ago today when we started classes at ITP. If…