iPhone Porn and the “google” neologism juggernaut
As is my habit, I woke up this morning and reached for whatever new iPhone pr0n was available. Luckily for me, Apple had just thrown up a lengthy (20 mins) new “documentary”/feature propaganda (20 mins) featuring a friendly Apple designer/model/actor. One thing that stood out for me, in between high contrast video of the phone…
Transvestar: A man who uses a female avatar
Transvestar n. a man who uses a female avatar on popular online services such as Second Life, World of Warcraft and many others. (alt) n. A superstar tranvestite, like Mitzi from Priscilla Queen of the Desert. So we were having drinks with Alli Mooney and Jeremy from NGT at my place of the moment –…
I went to my second unconference yesterday – the geographically themed Wherecamp SF held at Yahoo’s campus in Sunnyvale. After the great experience I had at MobileCamp a few weeks ago, I was interested to see what the format of this one was like. Ryan Sarver, Leonard Lin, Anselm Hook and everybody else involved did…
The longest word in the English language, this is a lung disease caused by inhaling dust from volcanoes. Common. Urbandictionary | Wikipedia Remembered while discovering Wordie.
How to get the MAC address of the Wifi radio on Nokia S60 devices
Type : *#62209526#. Works like a charm on my N80.
Got any book recommendations?