• iPhone Porn and the “google” neologism juggernaut

    As is my habit, I woke up this morning and reached for whatever new iPhone pr0n was available. Luckily for me, Apple had just thrown up a lengthy (20 mins) new “documentary”/feature propaganda (20 mins) featuring a friendly Apple designer/model/actor. One thing that stood out for me, in between high contrast video of the phone…

  • Transvestar: A man who uses a female avatar

    Transvestar n. a man who uses a female avatar on popular online services such as Second Life, World of Warcraft and many others. (alt) n. A superstar tranvestite, like Mitzi from Priscilla Queen of the Desert. So we were having drinks with Alli Mooney and Jeremy from NGT at my place of the moment –…

  • Wherecamp

    I went to my second unconference yesterday – the geographically themed Wherecamp SF held at Yahoo’s campus in Sunnyvale. After the great experience I had at MobileCamp a few weeks ago, I was interested to see what the format of this one was like. Ryan Sarver, Leonard Lin, Anselm Hook and everybody else involved did…

  • Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicavolcanoconiosis

    The longest word in the English language, this is a lung disease caused by inhaling dust from volcanoes. Common. Urbandictionary | Wikipedia Remembered while discovering Wordie.

  • How to get the MAC address of the Wifi radio on Nokia S60 devices

    Type : *#62209526#. Works like a charm on my N80.

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