Pictures from dinner with friends of Hubert Burda
StarCraft II announced by Blizzard
OMG! Yesterday, at the Blizzard Invitational in Seoul, South Korea, Blizzard announced that they’re working on StarCraft II. If that doesn’t send shivers of unearthly delight through your spine, then you really need to go and read a bit more about the original Starcraft. In fact, why don’t you go out and buy it and…
BarCamp / MobileCampNYC
BarCamp / MobileCampNYC should be a fun event this weekend organized by Alexis Rondeau of Semapedia fame. The official blurb sounds promising: MobileCampNYC hopes to support the many voices helping to unlock the potential of a truly digital life. Topics may include – but are not limited to – mobile gaming, entrepreneurship, social mobility and…
links for 2007-05-08
SourceForge.net: Sydewynder Sydewynder is an SMS receiver and sender module written in Python for S60 phones. It can automate the responses of messages and may be used as a mobile application server in areas where setting up a traditional server may be difficult or ill (tags: useful pys60 mobileappdesign mobile sms python) Fidg’t: Your Social…
In response to Danah’s Twitter questionnaire
A response to danah’s Twitter curiosity. First, the practical question. Can i quote you? [x] Yes, and you *must* use my real name. 1. Why do you use Twitter? What do you like/dislike about it? I use Twitter extremely infrequently to jot down my thoughts and occasionally describe what I’m doing or about to be…
Got any book recommendations?