links for 2007-05-07
IFTF’s Future Now: The End of Mobile Social Web 1.0 Townsend’s swansong for Dodgeball is simultaneously poignant and true. (tags: google dodgeball townsend twitter mobile)
Settlers of CaKEtan!
Settlers of CaKEtan!, originally uploaded by Queen of Cake. Landtastic! Catanicious! This will finally unite the worlds of cupcake and gaming geeks and bring lasting peace and delicious tasting treats to all.
links for 2007-05-05
Paul McCartney Wins Classical Brit, Sting Thankfully Doesn’t – Hecklerspray: Music, Movies, TV, Celebs, Games and Gossip Hahahahha. Awesomely snarky commentary from a new brit celeb blog. (tags: funny blog beatles_vs_sting) A Nickel’s Worth: Losing Big Is Easy One of the great tragedies of modern computer science turns out to have such a simple, prosaic…
links for 2007-05-04
http://megamu.com/lastfm/ Beautiful data visualization of listening habits over an extended period of time. (tags: last.fm music attention audio cool data infoviz visualization timeline tools graphics)
links for 2007-05-01
life-coding » Blog Archive » CRUD Presentation Fantastically CRUDdy presentation. Bravo. (tags: data CRUD rails rest tutorial howto) Slashdot | How to Stop Digg-cheating, Forever Interesting piece about potential algorithms for increasing the meritocracy and reducing the diggocracy. Are those even real words? (tags: news reading voting)
Got any book recommendations?