links for 2007-04-30
Finally: Helio’s Ocean Smartphone is Here – Gizmodo Drool. Drool. Drool. No OS X support. Sigh. (tags: mobile phones gadgets MVNO) Developer | Slider | Measure Map Mmm… tasty flash slider. Grab grab grab. (tags: flash visualization graph slider cool Javascript js stats) datashat-young_folks2.mp3 (audio/mpeg Object) remix of Peter, Bjorn and John whistley song. love…
links for 2007-04-29
PlotKit – Javascript Chart Plotting | liquidx Fantastic looking javascript charting tool (tags: ajax api charts browser SVG stats statistics resources programming Javascript howto) Flexible Rails A PDF-only Book about using Adobe Flex with Ruby on Rails But can it scale? (tags: adobe books flash flex pdf rails ruby rubyonrails programming) flexonrails.net » Blog Archive…
links for 2007-04-28
MTAA’s Karaoke DeathMatch 100 Artist collaborative M.River & T.Whid face off in the most brutal performance art smack down of the new millennium… Karaoke Deathmatch 100! This alcohol-fueled blood feud features 50 rounds of sing-along fury (taped live over an 8-hour period with hardl (tags: art audio netart Quicktime karaoke movie)
links for 2007-04-27
| makeout.co.za | cute flash interface to a project that’s similar to 23centstories… (tags: flash interface)
links for 2007-04-25
23: Jannik, Trine & børn pÃ¥ besøg i Kbh. April 2007 – makebelieve Risque poster from a Danish magazine about contemporary Art in China. (tags: china art pictures strange_images) Daily Lolz From Lolz LLC fun fun (tags: blog funny) Upload files using flash and javascript – SWFUpload Yummy Flash + JS uploader. Must find a…
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