• links for 2007-04-12

    Livecontacts – Know where your friends are! European social friend finder type application (tags: geo locative location mobile tools mososo)

  • links for 2007-04-11

    UJS Rails Plugin—Unobtrusive Javascript for Ruby On Rails Cleaner looking Javascript for Rails. (tags: rails ruby software Javascript js library plugin) vexxblog » ffmpeg-php Great tutorial on how to setup FFMPEG for use with PHP (tags: howto tutorial video ffmpeg php code reference) UCSC Engineering Building Attacked by Giant Gorilla Donkey Kong rendered in Post-it…

  • links for 2007-04-10

    Cellswapper.com Get out of your cell phone contract – mobile contract – wireless contract Hmm.. this sounds strangely like that business idea Cameron was floating at lunch the other day, only less elite… (tags: business cellphones swap deals shopping useful could_probably_come_in_handy_soon) Arby’s – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia So now I know why Raffel is a…

  • Little nuggets of Wikipedia

    While casually leaping on the trampoline of knowledge that is Wikipedia, I came across a few interesting nuggets – Acxiom, the company that provides a number of firms with business information, including Yelp, was a nominee for the 2005 Big Brother Award in the US. The award is intended to draw attention to alarming issues…

  • links for 2007-04-07

    Hardware:AGPS – OpenMoko Great FAQ on AGPS + DGPS, also includes fun facts like how the US defines accurate GPS devices as munitions. Hmmm.. (tags: gps geo opensource openmoko faq reference mobile)

Got any book recommendations?