• links for 2007-04-01

    Jason Bruges Studio +44 (0)20 7012 1122 Wonderful activity display using BT sensors to capture movement of pedestrians. (tags: art design bluetooth sensors sensing installation infoviz activity_monitor) Welcome to Google TiSP April Fool’s ’07. Google’s debuts the Toilet Internet Service Provider Revolution. (tags: aprilfools internet funny google satire)

  • links for 2007-03-29

    GPSBabel: convert, upload, download data from GPS and Map programs Super useful application for server side data manipulation of GPS waypoints, tracks and routes. (tags: gps api geotagging gis hacks interface linux osx opensource technology tools metadata geocoding geolocation geospatial geo) Locatrix – Home Another LBS company developing a MoSoSo. Acronymville, here I come. (tags:…

  • links for 2007-03-28

    2007 January 20 « Welcom to my homepage High quality ornamental images… mmm… feels like Ryan McGuinnes (tags: images art design illustration) Kuntzel+Deygas Com-Pet [MONOCLE] The debut of Com-Pet, a new character in development by Kuntzel+Deygas. Punts itself as being midway between a pet and a communications tool. Not really that much of a leap…

  • links for 2007-03-27

    The Simpsonzu by *spacecoyote on deviantART The Simpsons with an anime lens. This could the beginning of an episode. Genius (tags: art animation simpsons funny manga style anime) The Pop Manifesto Gorgeous looking music focused webzine with contributions by everyone’s favourite man about town – Colin Nagy. (tags: magazine art cool design fashion music hip)

  • links for 2007-03-26

    Travelosa Demo Demo video of a cool WAP travel site (tags: mobile wap travel service video demo) Welcome to SeatGuru! Your Guide to Airplane Seats and In-flight Amenities Hello Seatguru. At last, now I can figure out whether I need to bring a book or will be sufficiently entertained onboard. (tags: airfare charts cool comparison…

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