• A modern take on classic video games

    Child’s Play Part II from 1UP.com EGM: Do you feel like you’re in the middle of the Star Wars universe right now? Everybody: No. Parker: It feels like we’re in some barely 3D universe. Me: Awesome. The way all focus groups should be.

  • Commodore 64: The return.

    Alright this made me laugh today. I opened up Opera this morning and went to the View menu, selected Style->User mode and then Nostalgia. Boom. Any web site is now instantly rendered a la Commodore 64 circa 1986. Glorious.

  • IM Quotes

    hey, if you type in your pw, it will show as stars ********* see! hunter2 doesnt look like stars to me ******* QDB: Top 100 Quotes

  • Why I love Thunderbird

    tbird_scam Originally uploaded by michaelsharon. I am seriously impressed by the fact that it can figure out the difference between normal spam and potential phishing attempts. Great job Mozilla Foundation!

  • Ace Bar for sale

    eBay: ACE BAR NEW YORK CITY MANHATTAN EAST VILLAGE BUSINESS (item 4420176447 end time Dec-19-05 16:27:21 PST) Yeah. The Ace Bar in the East Village is being sold on Ebay. I hope it comes with the Hologram Werewolf and the collection of vintage lunch tins – cos those things are worth like 1/2 a million…

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