Buy your own government official!!
Or least his domain name with which you can make him your mouthpiece. When you think about it it’s not all that dissimilar from actual American politics except that now you 0wn him. Read all about it here and pay using that handy Dropcash badge on your left.
Jozi is unimportant…
Browsing through the World Gazetteer tonight looking for the Lat/Long of Johannesburg as one does, I saw a link titled World: Important Places. Brilliant! I thought, it must be there… uh.. think again Mr South-Africa-Is-Clearly-Not-Important. Futile searches in Firefox turned up Korea (South), Dhaka and Rangoon. While I’m not even remotely suggesting that those places…
To Moz and back…
A short (ahem) recap of my trip to Mozambique – pictures might have to wait until I return to the land of broadband. UPDATE: Pictures are on Flickr – http://www.flickr.com/photos/63812628@N00/sets/103938/ The Drive We (Yuval, Shannon, Alba and myself) started off innocently enough driving to Maputo on good South African roads (i.e. tar road with signs,…
Moving around…
Ok, so I’ve bowed to popular demand and am finally updating my blog. Because clearly, I cannot have been sitting in a PC Baang in Korea for 2 months (although I imagine that these things are possible). I’m going to be to off to the UK on Saturday 18 December to visit a couple of…
Hanging at the Baang
So I’m in South Korea for 10 days, partly to present a paper at the Mobile Communications & Social Change conference being held here in Seoul and partly just to soak up all the high speed broadband, craziness and kimchi (pickled cabbage) that I can. I’m sitting inside one of the PC baangs that are…
Got any book recommendations?