Chumby Devices Handed Out at Foo

Michael Arrington from Techcrunch writes about an interesting new hackfriendly mobile device called the Chumby.
Chumby Devices were handed out at Foo Camp to about 100 lucky Foos (I’m looking at you, Raffel) to prod, poke, develop world changing applications and generally hack to pieces. I’m not going reprint the technical specs verbatim, but the most interesting thing for me is the input methods – touchscreen or squeeze sensors on the casing let you interact directly with this guy, no buttons, keys or mice to get in the way.

Practically nipping at the heels of Synaptics touch screen cell phone prototype announcement, it definitely feels like there will be a fair amount of mobile/portable devices with gestural control interfaces in the near future. Now if only Synaptics would hand out some of those cell phones for student projects…




