• ::: Mobile Game Contest 2006 :::

    Some exciting news about mobile games from actionscript.it “FlashLite is fast developing into one of the most exciting new tools for mobile development, and the large pool of talented flash developers world wide promises to make it extremely successful. However, for most mobile professionals, J2ME is still the preferred choice. Mobile.Actionscript.it is open to the…

  • My September

    Teaching a class at ITP called Mobile Application Design. Building the next version of Socialight with some awesome people. Getting the next version of Identity ready for the awesome Come Out and Play Festival. Judging a Mobile Marathon Ad Contest at the Inspiration Festival in NYC. Meeting people in the Communications pavilion at the Wired…

  • Using Mpowerplayer to demo Java ME (J2ME) apps online

    Do you write Java ME applications? Want to display the results of your work to visitors like that fancy emulator that comes with Mobile.Processing. Well, Michael Powers (developer of the great MPowerplayer MIDP 2.0 SDK for OS X) has developed a free web emulator you can use in your site. Here’s how in three easy…

  • Chumby Devices Handed Out at Foo

    Michael Arrington from Techcrunch writes about an interesting new hackfriendly mobile device called the Chumby. Chumby Devices were handed out at Foo Camp to about 100 lucky Foos (I’m looking at you, Raffel) to prod, poke, develop world changing applications and generally hack to pieces. I’m not going reprint the technical specs verbatim, but the…

  • Starcraft Origami

    OMG. If you’ve ever spent hours building up your puny Terrans and mighty Protoss forces to withstand a Zerg rush – you know what I’m talking about. Here are those same terrifying pixels, gently shaped and folded to look something like this – 야후! 이미지박스. I should have guessed that it was a Korean who…

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