• Gooooooooaaaaaal!!!

    World Cup ’06 – FINAL: Ghana 2 – USA 1 Go Ghana! You rock! Africa is in the final 16!

  • I call bullshit on the OED

    So there I was, casually glancing through a list of some hip’n’tasty neologisms breaking into the charts on Ask Oxford when I came across something absolutely and utterly ridiculous. Tell me if you spot anything wrong with this sentence: Bluesnarfing: the illicit accessing of data from an electronic device such as a mobile phone, PDA,…

  • Speaking at Where 2.0, hanging at Hyperlinked Society.

    Giant 2005/6 conference recap coming soon. In the meantime – I’m speaking at O’Reilly’s Where 2.0 Conference in San Francisco next week. I’m really excited about this conference – I was so bummed I had to miss it last year due to visa issue. I’m also speaking right at the tail-end of a trifecta of…

  • Learn to speak a language

    This one landed in my inbox and caused me to convulse with laughter.  I managed to control myself enough to cut’n’paste it. Enjoy. A soft, cotton cloud landing and worry falls away. You’re in a foreign country now, but things don’t seem so foreign. You’ve planned well. Confidence is on your side when you speak…

  • Hello Summer.

    Bring on the humidity. Bring on as many blisteringly hot, rivulets-of-sweat-streaming-off-my-body days as I can get. Make my airconditioner work for it’s electric fix. Living in New York during summertime is one of my favourite things in the world. Most people scurry away to the Hamptons or the Jersey Shore to avoid the triple threat…

Got any book recommendations?