• I want to teach my phone to sing

    …in perfect harmony. Actually I’ll settle for teaching it a few words. Since switching from a Nokia 6600 to a 7610, back again and then from a 7610 to a 6682, I’ve had to reconfig my phone a few times – but what bugs me the most is reteaching my predictive text engine words which…

  • 3rd most confusing infographic ever

    As seen at New York City’s JFK Airport. 3rd most confusing infographic ever Originally uploaded by michaelsharon.

  • How T-mobile reinvented SMTP…

    So I was doing a bit of googling to fix up my new Nokia 6682’s email capabilities and I found some useful information via Google and then this complete nonsense (see image on left) from T-mobile – my trusted cell phone provider, to whom I pay large chunks of cash every month to provide me…

  • dack.com 2.0

    Go to the Web Two Point Oh! site and get yourself a new company pre-made for VC loving. I am the President and CEO of the Welsh-sounding Secwy, who specializes in tag-based classifieds via Ruby on Rails. Ah.. the good old days…. found while perusing apophenia

  • The sound of Pacman

    CoinOpVideogames.com is a remarkably awesome site that offers sounds of classic video games recorded between 1982 and 1988. Solid gold.

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