• A surreal living

    Alright, so I know I should know better, but I’m a sucker for reality television. I don’t know if it’s the fact that it’s so far removed from most people’s realities, but still, stick some random people together, give them some loose premise to make them fight for (or against) and wham – instant eyeglue.…

  • Total Eclipse of my Code

    Okay, this is just going to show all my friends and the 1.5 people that read this blog just how truly geeky I have become. Yes, this is an ode to my tool of the moment – Eclipse – the ultimate open source Java development program. And if you add in the handy dandy J2ME…

  • Dennis does Delft

    Alright, so it’s been a few weeks, but Dennis Crowley of teendrama & dodgeball fame had his birthday party at Delft. This is the result.

  • Zempt rules on PC

    Okay, after a few days of valiantly trying to like Ecto on PC, I had to switch back to Zempt. Especially now that since I’ve installed Rob Zeller’s handy iTunes plugin, Zempt automagically inserts whichever tune is tickling my brain right now. Like so Currently bobbing my head to: Mairead from Pawn Shoppe Heart by…

  • Stranglophone Video

    Michael Lyons from ATR in Kyoto has put up a site with a comprehensive photo gallery of all the participant’s at the New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) conference held this year at SUAC in Hamamatsu, Japan. Luckily for me – he took some video of a demonstration of my instruments – the Stranglophone and…

Got any book recommendations?