• Torrents of music from SXSW.

    If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the enormous number of bands playing at the SXSW Festival in Austin – fear no more. Some enterprising chap decided to download all 3.5GB of the MP3s that SXSW made available and package it all up into a handy torrent file for the rest of us to download from here.…

  • May I take your order?

    May I take your order? Probably one of the best examples of Engrish / Manglish I’ve ever seen. Classic.

  • Everything old is new again.

    I just saw that David Hasselhoff is tipped to star in a new Knight Rider series?. This is awesome for so many reasons, not least of which is my deep and abiding respect for talking cars, extra-cheesy storylines and my namesake. Needless to say, I’m pretty damn stoked about this one…

  • Falling in love with Ingo Maurer

    After Nora dragged me off to the last day of his show at the Cooper-Hewitt, I have a serious crush on Ingo and his endlessly inventive stream of playful, witty lighting installations.

  • 36 Hours in Cape Town

    CAPE Town is South Africa’s Los Angeles to Johannesburg’s New York — the glitzy, gorgeous, self-obsessed foil to its grittier, more serious and more powerful big sister. The New York Times has a decent mini-guide to Cape Town, but they skip out so much of what’s great about the city. I’ll add some of my…

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