Mechanical Bull 1, Michael 0
Michael’s turn, originally uploaded by superkb. Manlio was in town, so we took the opportunity to hit up Mason-Dixon, a wholly unremarkable neighbourhood bar, except for one thing – a mechanical bull. Paraphrasing KevinC: “I thought it was going to be gruelling, painful and embarrasingly humiliating, but it actually turned out to be a lot…
My high school, in the New York Times.
As is my habit lately, I was flipping through the online version of the New York Times this morning, when I came across an article about the release of the matric results in South Africa. To my surprise, they focused on my old high school – Greenside – and included a quote from my old…
Free Running AKA Parkour hits Adsense
Rockenspiel and the Roamin’ Catholics trumped by Skull Sküll and the Weekend Nachos
Jason Santa Maria’s Best Band Names Ever list has just been topped by The Onion’s Worst Band Names Of ’07. I was chuckling the whole time, snorting and hooting at certain points and wondering just how many of these seemed like great ideas after staying up for three nights in a row on mushrooms, speed…
Now this is funny…
236 – News – If They IM’d: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Condoleezza Rice While the release of the National Intelligence Estimate on Iran has put the Bush White House on the defensive, it’s provided endlessly glib “I-told-you-so’s” from the chief horsefly at the neocon’s family picnic: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The situation is so grave that…
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