Up one level japan ยป 12. Kyoto - Kiyomizu Temple + Surrounds

12. Kyoto - Kiyomizu Temple + Surrounds

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IMG_4399 IMG_4400 IMG_4401 IMG_4402 IMG_4404 Temple The longest wooden building in Japan IMG_4406 IMG_4407 IMG_4409 IMG_4410 Blurry Buddhas We were forbidden to take photographs of the Buddha. I tried anyway and they all turned out blurry. IMG_4414 IMG_4415 IMG_4419 IMG_4420 IMG_4422 IMG_4423 IMG_4424 IMG_4425 IMG_4426 IMG_4427 IMG_4428 IMG_4429 IMG_4430 IMG_4431 IMG_4432 IMG_4433 IMG_4434 IMG_4435 IMG_4436 IMG_4438 IMG_4439
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