Up one level japan ยป 13. Tokyo - Akihabara, Shibuya

13. Tokyo - Akihabara, Shibuya

Manga Pr0n Manga porn was the second most common sight in Japan - right behind vending machines IMG_4505 IMG_4506 IMG_4507 IMG_4508 Tanaki A tanaki - my favourite Japanese animal Shibuya Daytime Shibuya Crossing during the day Tobacco & Salt Two of your favourite vices combined in one gloriously tangy musuem IMG_4514 Menu Cocktail menu at this tofu restaurant Yuriko Miko Yuriko and Miko Akio Akio could never keep still! Or maybe I just suck at taking pictures... Tofu Sesame tofu IMG_4524 Branding This is an appalling shot of a woman branding the restaurant logo onto chopsticks with a modified soldering iron. IMG_4527 IMG_4528 IMG_4520 Bowl Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble... IMG_4530 IMG_4518 Miko IMG_4534 IMG_4532 IMG_4531

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