Up one level japan ยป 2. NIME Day 1 (Hamamatsu)

2. NIME Day 1 (Hamamatsu)

mark Mark will give a lecture in this room in 3 days. There might be more people. IMG_3780 Shizuoka University of Art and Culture (SUAC) where the NIME conference was held. sweet Grapefruit drink. my setup I had a room to myself - it was sweet! toys Stranglophone + Pierrophone + boxes playing I think this is Joe from the Sine Wave Orchestra moreplay Smiling me Eric Eric wailing away toshio Toshio Iwai having some fun IMG_3802 IMG_3803 IMG_3805 gideon Gideon D'Arcangelo's presentation Hans Shower Clear bricks with words like Keynote Toshio Iwai's keynote - he describes how playing a song on a music box backwards inspires him keynote2 Toshio Iwai ends his keynote with a performance on a handheld game controller Moog1 Robert Moog's keynote was exactly that. Bier German beer in Japan can be hazardous jeffmark Jeff looks away while Mark fondles the fraulein BarG Henry from Sony Research and The Dude from Bar G. The Dude looked like Elvis. eric beer

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