Up one level japan ยป 5. Ueno + Akihabara

5. Ueno + Akihabara

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Tokyo University Pond inside Tokyo University Pond Graveyard 
Arrow Building Sign IMG_3983 Swan Boats If I ever opened up a Swan Boat operation, I would make one Black Swan boat. Just one, so that everybody had to fight over it. Ueno Lilies Ueno Lilies Again Ueno Lilies Repeat Bonsai IMG_3991 IMG_3993 IMG_3994 IMG_3995 What is this The fish market in Ueno offers interplanetary species IMG_3997 Sweets Ueno Market IMG_4000 Doobies Sounds innocent enough no? So why are all these baka-gaijin taking pictures of our sign? Pachinko One of numerous pachinko parlours which seem to be a pre-requisite for starting a town in Japan Muji Ah... Muji - the Woolworths of Japan. Schoolgirl Uniforms IMG_4006 IMG_4007 MIDI Guitar! For Manlio. IMG_4009 IMG_4010 IMG_4011 IMG_4012 Mouse Believe it or not, this is actually a mouse
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