Up one level japan ยป 8.TBS Tour featuring Shuji & Yoshie

8.TBS Tour featuring Shuji & Yoshie

IMG_4210 IMG_4211 IMG_4212 IMG_4214 IMG_4215 IMG_4218 IMG_4219 IMG_4220 IMG_4221 IMG_4222 IMG_4223 TBSNews I have no clue what this girl is doing. News Live national news on TBS. Whoo! MoreNews News Set Weatherman This is what doing the weather feels like. Really green. IMG_4239 IMG_4240 Crazy Set This was a set for a children's TV quiz show (I think). I loved the little guy at the top adorable This guy is sooooo kawai! IMG_4246 IMG_4247 Ultramike Ultraposers Giving the fist to the Ultraman twins Canadian This was the Mark at home A little slice of Mark in Japan IMG_4254 Scandinavian What is it about that Scandinavian Scent... I love it! IMG_4257 Joke Eric telling his notorious IMG_4262

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