Category: Life
A week in Jozi
Day 1 – Friday: Chaos at the airport. Power failures and jetlag. Day 2 – Saturday: More power failures, this time in Sandton City (one of the biggest mall complexes in Joburg). Wandering through the shops feels like the dimly lit opening scenes from a post-apocalyptic epic where only the large chains have managed to…
Gentlemen, start your App Engines
Google’s new App Engine looks like an all-in-one version of Amazon’s cloud computing stack with a few differences. Here’s how things stack up: Amazon Web Services (AWS) vs Google’s App Engine EC2 virtual server, use any language. Dynamic webserving, using Python S3 persistent storage Google File System (GFS) – data storage SimpleDB – database BigTable…
Camp for iPhone Developers
I’m helping to organize a Barcamp-style iPhone Development hackathon at Brooklyn Polytechnic later this month. Our official blurb describes the event as follows: iPhoneDevCampNYC will bring together iPhone developers, explorers, professionals, and owners, to share the current state and their visions for the future direction of development on the iPhone. Topics may include – but…
Shirky on the Colbert Report
Clay Shirky, author of Here Comes Everybody on the Colbert Report. Clay has a fantastic way of taking complex concepts and transmogrifying them into simple ideas which make them much easier to grasp. He’s also one of the most animated professors I’ve ever had. Highly recommended.
Hacking a Facebook app != hacking Facebook
Silicon Alley Insider has a story with a we’re-really-not-trying-that-hard-but-sensationalism-just-comes-naturally-to-us headline boldly proclaiming that they can teach you How To Hack Facebook In 51 Seconds. Take a look a the video below and see what you think. Wrong! Yeah, that’s what I thought too. That’s not Facebook. That’s a Facebook app. A custom application, written by…