Quote of the Day
(13:02:11) ChrisGetsTheGirl: I have a book of taxi-driver-quotations that Robyn gave me years ago… (13:02:20) ChrisGetsTheGirl: My favourite is the one from some Arab dude: (13:02:39) ChrisGetsTheGirl: “Bike messengers. They search for death.”
Summer Music Schedule
Alright, since it’s nearly halfway through summer, I’ve barely seen any bands (unless you count Psychic TV) and things need to change. Here’s a personal reminder of shows I need to catch: Franz Ferdinand – 09-09 – Roseland Ballroom Casiotone for the Painfully Alone – 08-03 @ The Big A Little A House or 08-04…
At last – a Pizza Blog
One of the great things about living in NYC is the enormous numbers of pizza joints in the city – it seems like every three steps you take there will be a hole in the wall ejecting slices oozing with melted cheese and tomato sauce. The problem is, if you’re new in town, it’s fairly…
Three things that are broken on the mobile web
In the last few weeks I’ve been using the supercool Nokia 6600 to fumble my way into moblogging, test some new mobile apps that I’m working on, play games, send SMSes, take dorky pictures and (gasp) even make regular calls. In the midst of all of this frantic telephone activity, I thought it might be…
Avast! Evil Comment Spam
Comment spam is the bane of old blogs. I had a couple of blogs that I was running as my school journals which were getting spammed a few times every week with lurid offers of bestiality, incest and pen1s enlargement. As much as I appreciated all the attention my blogs were getting, something had to…
Got any book recommendations?