Category: Sloth

  • Supercool Casio Phone

    Nobody likes to beat a dead horse. And nobody wants to see that there’s a five month old campaign to buy Ari Fleischer on my site that has raised approximately $5 in working capital. I could go on with a long list of things that nobody wants to see on the web, but instead, I’ll…

  • Jozi is unimportant…

    Browsing through the World Gazetteer tonight looking for the Lat/Long of Johannesburg as one does, I saw a link titled World: Important Places. Brilliant! I thought, it must be there… uh.. think again Mr South-Africa-Is-Clearly-Not-Important. Futile searches in Firefox turned up Korea (South), Dhaka and Rangoon. While I’m not even remotely suggesting that those places…

  • A surreal living

    Alright, so I know I should know better, but I’m a sucker for reality television. I don’t know if it’s the fact that it’s so far removed from most people’s realities, but still, stick some random people together, give them some loose premise to make them fight for (or against) and wham – instant eyeglue.…